Sunday, February 24, 2019

Charles Dickens Essay

One lesson we witness in A Kestrel for a Knave also aims to teach the pupils more(prenominal) or less facts. However this lesson is taught by Farthing who is caring and a more fatherly instructor and this is communicated by his name. Mr Farthing has used his kind personality to gain some regard as from the boys in the class. Although the lesson has the same content as the lesson in Hard measure during the lesson it becomes obvious that Farthings teaching is different.He manages to involve billy goat, who is normally instead shy and lacking motivation, positively in the lesson. Farthing teaches in a more relaxed expressive style and lets the lesson flow as head as welcoming introduce from the boys. He encourages billy to participate and makes him feel special as he has something interesting to share. Farthing lets billysticks thought tumble out and does not cut him short. Billy tells all astir(predicate) his bird, which he has raised and trained, and Farthing take cares very interested Jesses, how do you spell that? He writes words on the board, allowing the strong class to learn about Billys unusual talent. Billy becomes the teacher for a while and as Farthing is not controlling the like Gradgrind he allows this to happen. The lesson becomes full of individuality as Billy shares his unusual interest and his confidence grows. This would never have happened in a lesson taught by Gradgrind, he would never encourage a pupil to take over his gear up and would think a pas clipping like Billys ridiculous. The way in which Farthing nurtures Billys thoughts reflect the way in which Billy has nurtured Kes. The time and devotion that Billy has shown the bird is matched, although on a small level, by the way Farthing waits for Billy to talk and persist to question him softly as if he knows Billy has a lot to share.Another distinguish amid the two schools is the way in which Billy and his classmates behaviour changes depending on the teacher, whereas Gradgrinds pupils are always the same. The different methods of teaching drink at Billys school become obvious when the PE teacher Sugden is introduced. Sugden is a bully and again Hines has highlighted the teachers personality with his name, as Sugden is a thug. Billy dislikes PE and does not have a PE kit, as his family cannot afford to procure him one. He arrives late to the lesson as he has been talking to Farthing. Instead of discreetly giving him a kit to wear Sugden mocks Billy in front end of the other boys. The way in which Billy is treated provokes him to answer bet on and be cheeky. Sugdens verbal bullying brings out the negative aspects of Billys personality.Not only does Sugden verbally bully his pupils but as a big man he does not hesitate to physically abuse them too. He hit Billy twice with the ball, holding it between both hands as though he was murdering him with a boulder. The full-page lesson is a bullying game for Sugden. There is an absence of skills taug ht and so the lesson consists of a game of football in which Sugden is the captain of one of the teams as surface as being the referee. He bullies the opposing team as well as his own teammates if they make mistakes. His attitude is immature and shows no sportsmanship or fairness, two lessons which should always be reinforced in PE lessons. His negative attitude has a clear affect on the boys, who leave the lesson cold and uninspired.The upbringing system presented by Charles Dickens is extreme and unnecessarily harsh. However the form of address Hard Times makes it seem like Dickens is writing candidly about a time which lead to harsh methods of education. He highlights the naivety of the people as now teaching methods have improved and youth people are encouraged to be themselves and achieve the best that they can. sarcasm is used by Dickens to emphasize the mistakes of the system. Charles Dickens could of attended a school like the one in Hard Times and so I think he aims t o make the problems obvious to people who differently might not notice the wrongs in society.Barry Hines also writes the truth about the education system in his era and I think he also aims to highlight the incorrectness of the organization. However Barry Hines writes more realistically as the book is more recent and therefore easier to relate to. Both authors present systems, which now seem very wrong but at the time they were thought of as acceptable. Both books probably contain memories of the authors school long time and particularly in A Kestrel for a Knave the scenes seem very believable. I could conclude that neither system would be justifiable now but in their time the schools seemed fair.

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